Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Russian Revolution

It all started when the Russians went into WWI. They were not prepared for this war; over four million men have died in the first year of the war against the germans. later on February 1917, Czar Nicholas had dethrone himself because he could not know what to do anymore. The government could get there selves out of the war.Workers and peasants revolted against the landlords and factory owners. Peasants expropriated (or took over) land and factories were closed when workers refused to work.  People in the city started to starve and the economy was getting destroyed. The Bolsheviks used this to there advantages and defeat Russia.  In the end Russia have turned their government into communism and made the peasants work in the farms and the workers gained control of the factory. This brought peace into Russia.  

Monday, January 11, 2010

Causes of WW1

There were many causes to WWI. Some were nationalism, militarism , and the assiantion of Franz Ferdinand "which started the war". Nationalism is a term used to describe one's deep pride for a country. The strong feelings of Nationalism turned Frenchmen againist Germans and Russians againist Austrians. Militarism is when your prepping for you nation army. In the European countries army's were getting ready with guns, ammo, and aid to go to war. The thing that triggered the war to start was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.

Opium Wars - Imperialism in China

In Asia Britian had a ton of Opium. With that opium they traded with the chinese and the chinese got really additcted to it. Too much opium can harm the body so the government closed the ports for the Britsh from docking. This led to the Opium War. In the end of this war china was forced to open their ports for the Britsh to dock their boats for trading with the chinese again because they lost the war against them.