Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Treaty of Versailles (ended WW I)

The Treaty of Versailles was the document that ended World War One on June 28, 1919. Overall in this document it says that Germany was the blame to this war; so they have to pay for the damages to the war. Umm in my opinion its like half fair and half not. The fair part is that Germany did start the war and lost so they do have to face concenquences. The unfair part is that they have to pay for everything that was done between the war, which leaves them with nothing at the end. Some historians say that the Treaty of Versailles led to the rise of Fascism and Adolph Hitler. I do believe this statement because the people of Germany were down and need someone to bring them back up and Adolph Hitler convinced them, that he will.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) and the Modernization of Turkey

Mustafa Kemal was the leader of Turkey after the Muslim empire have fell due to loss in the war. Even though the Muslim empire have been separate they still stuck to their rules and regulations. The separated countries have followed religious rules. Mustafa Kemal wanted to changed that. He wanted to get out of the stone age and be in with the new age. He wanted to be how the European people were, with there clothes, style and how they act. He believe that the style people are wearing before was not modern, so certain clothing was illegal to wear like a veil.

Secular- not pertaining to or connected with religion.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Film Lession :Gandhi

From the movie "Gandi" Gandi showed many ways to help his people get independence from Great Britian. For one, Gandi told the people to make their own clothing; he told them that he spin his own clothes everyday before he does anything. Next he said to never fight back with the Police, "violence with violence will not solve anything". If they start with you and you don't fight back then it would show who the bad people are. Gandi took a large group of people to march to the Ocean and get Salt Water. Thus when they evaporate the water they get salt to use. They did this to not to buy anything the British made or sold. With hard work and the help of Gandhi; India have recieve Indepencence from Great Britian.

I believe that India waited a certain time to fight away from Great Britian, because during that certain time (1947) Great Britian was in an economic breakdown.