Thursday, September 17, 2009

Scientific Revolution: The Scientific Method

Before the 1500's people used to believe in anything what people said without seeing any prove of it. People continue to believe what people said until l the Scientific Revolution. The scientific revolution was a way to test old ideas to see if they were true or false. They test these theories by using the scientific method. Scientists use this method to test different theories that people say. The Scientific Method have multiple steps in proving if something is true or false. They are, Observation, Hypothesis, predictions, Experiment, and Conclusion.
Many different experiments that we know today were tested by the scientific method. Some were Aristotle theory that heaver objects travel at a faster speed than lighter objects. An Italian scientist tested Aristotle theory by using the scientific method by going up the Leaning Tower of Pisa and dropping two stones with different weights. He concluding that Aristotle was wrong, the two stones weighing different amounts and they went the same speed.

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