Thursday, December 10, 2009

Film Lesson: "Mountains of the Moon"

Recently, we watch the film called 'Mountains of the Moon". Its is about when two white guys goto Africa searching for the source of the Nile river. They have went through a lot looking for the source of the Nile river some have caught maliria,bugs have went into people ears and have been capture from others tribes. Other tribes havent seen white people before so they didnt know if they were good or bad. Later on John Speke had found the source of the Nile, but his partner didnt think so. They went back to England to debate who was right and who was right or wrong. The debate could not have happen because John Speke had killed himself before thwe debate. Later on when they went back to Africa, John Speke was right it was the source of the Nile. They renamed the river Lake Victoria. The Africans didnt not fight back with the name of the lake because the english men were stronger and had more technology then the Africans. The europeans had guns and the Africans had spears. The Europeans have invented machine guns and a cure for maliria they have invaded and concure Africa easily.

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