Friday, May 7, 2010

The Collapse of Communism

As we may recall that communism was created by a man named Karl Marx. He made this type of government because he wanted the people to get a equal share during the industrial revolution in europe. After the Russian revolution occurred Russia was the first communist country. The Russians thought that communism was a big success so they tried to spread this type of government to the world which started the Cold War between the Russians and The United States. During the Cold War the Russians were doing alright against the Americans keeping up with the Arms race, Space race, etc. Suddenly they notice that there economy was far to weak to keep this up against the Americans who had a great economy. As an result the USSR converted into capitalism and the war have ended because the Americans didn't need to fight the Russians if they were capitalist now. Also as an result most of everyone else had converted out of communism to something else, and the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and east and west germany became one germany once again.

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